The real side effect of a gluten-free diet: scientific illiteracy - Vox
...t's exactly because the gluten-free diet has surged in popularity recently, despite the science, that Alan Jay Levinovitz, a professor of philosophy and religion at James Madison University, became fascinated by it...
[It also connects to] this myth that there was a healthier time in the past, different from modernity, when we didn’t have gluten in our diets. People saw gluten as part of a modern engineered agriculture that took us away from a paradise past associated with Paleolithic man and natural eating habits.
One of the things you need for a good diet narrative is to suggest that foods you must avoid are not just high in calories but are wrong, bad. Gluten fit that narrative well.
..If you read Davis or Perlmutter and go gluten-free and feel better, it makes you believe the way these men think is right. Going gluten-free might make you feel better, but [it could be] because you’re more careful about what you eat or because you're cooking at home more. In the same way, if you watch Dr. Oz and feel empowered, you think Oz actually represents science. That is a real danger because it’s not true.
... AJK: The real scientists, people who are actually researching this stuff, happily admit that right now we just don't know. The state of science right now, as best we know is this: the vast majority of people who think they react to gluten don’t. That much we can be sure of.
"Истинската наука", за която говори интервюираната, ми звучи като "истинската политика" и "прововерната религия". Т.е. само това, което се твърди официално на върха на йерархиите на тези три неща, трябва да е вярно, респективно да се приема като вярно от тези надолу по пирамидата. Не се учудвам в тази теза, като се има предвид специализацията на интервюираната в сферата на философия и религия.
Обаче истинската наука не може да е толкова догматична и тесногръда. Истинската наука много добре разбира, че "колкото повече знам, толкова по-малко знам" и че сегашните постулати и аксиоми в един бъдещ момент може да бъдат коригирани от новите научни открития и дори напълно отречени.
Всъщност немалко от научните открития, както и изобщо откритията, са правени точно когато хората са поглнали нестандартно и извън "правоверните" постулати.
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